Beauty in full bloom
From the tropical…
…To the optical
From sparkling eyes come
A steady gaze
Drawing me in to safely moor
Beauty in varying colors
A rainbow, a monochrome
Understated shades in pastels
A curious mix from deep alizarin…
…To tones of umber and ochre
I could not paint you if I tried.
Beauty for Freedom
Passion held in restraint
A hesitant confidence
Familiar contours of wildness
Purposely rests in an open cage.
Beauty for all seasons
Underlying hilarity…
…Humor simmering
Waiting to be served up
In dainty scoops
From a perfectly burnished vessel.
Beauty for challenge
From a loving Potter
Molded and fashioned
Signs and symbols engraved
Age-old mysteries
For the wise to unravel.
Beauty that I crave
Not in envy, not in lust
Or I will be sadly intoxicated…
…Sinking deep into misery
Only my earnest yearning and quest
Like you, to be burnished, too.
© 2010 Udeaku Chikezie Tuesday 6, July 2010: 10:50am (written for a friend)